Summer 2017 Class Schedule

Welcome to The Rime Buddhist Center’s summer curriculum. This semester you will have the opportunity to receive teachings from Geshe Lharampa Tsewang Thinley the Drepung Gomang Geshe in Residence at the Rime Center. Also back by popular demand is our 2nd Annual Bodhisattva Challenge.  Look for details below on these exciting opportunities to deepen your practice with the support of fellow practitioners.

All classes meet on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7:45-9 p.m., with an optional meditation session from 7-7:30 p.m.

Class and text fees are listed with each class. Use the links in the titles of the class to register for the various classes online. Otherwise print out the registration form and bring it with you to the class. If you have questions about a specific class, please contact Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) by email at

Wednesday Evening Classes

These classes are designed so that Geshe-la has the occasion to teach on various topics of Tibetan Buddhism, while not being restricted to any particular book or topic. These classes will be set into three four week blocks that you can sign up for. This is an amazing opportunity to study closely with someone as knowledgeable as Geshe Thinley.
Dates: Four sessions beginning on June 7, 2017
Times: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Text: None
Prerequisite: None
These classes are designed so that Geshe-la has the occasion to teach on various topics of Tibetan Buddhism, while not being restricted to any particular book or topic. These classes will be set into three four week blocks that you can sign up for. This is an amazing opportunity to study closely with someone as knowledgeable as Geshe Thinley.
Dates: Four sessions beginning on July 5, 2017
Times: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Text: None
Prerequisite: None
These classes are designed so that Geshe-la has the occasion to teach on various topics of Tibetan Buddhism, while not being restricted to any particular book or topic. These classes will be set into three four week blocks that you can sign up for. This is an amazing opportunity to study closely with someone as knowledgeable as Geshe Thinley.
Dates: Four sessions beginning on August 2, 2017
Times: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Text: None
Prerequisite: None

Thursday Evening Classes

According to the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, the essence of the spiritual journey can be said to begin and end with the present moment. Its extensive philosophical and meditative traditions all point to this state of simplicity. Among the most renowned and provocative of these systems are the tantric teachings on the four bardos, or intermediate states, of existence. The teachings on the four bardos point out the fundamental continuity of mind through all states of existence.
Instructor: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha)
Dates: Five sessions beginning on June 1, 2017
Times: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Prerequisite: Tier 1
This challenge will be practice intensive for those who want to apply their understanding of Bodhicitta with daily practice. The main topic for the challenge will be Eight Verses of Training the Mind by Geshe Langri Thangpa. We will have senior teacher led Dharma talks, weekly readings, and group discussions. Discussions will also be online so you can connect to this practice from home. Weekly topics from the challenge will also be taught in the Dharma School, allowing this challenge to be engaged by the whole family.
Instructor: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and other Dharma Teachers
Dates: Eight sessions beginning on July 6, 2017
Times: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $60
Text: Online Material
Prerequisite: Tier 1

Membership and Vows

Rime Membership Class – Wednesdays

Becoming an official member of the Rime Center demonstrates your support of the Center. In addition, members receive benefits, such as discounts and invitations to special “members only” programs. The four half-hour sessions cover the following topics: 1. Introductions, and over view of Tibetan Buddhism; 2. What does it mean to be Rime; 3. The organizational structure of the Rime Center and explanation of the center’s outreach programs; 4. Program Events and service opportunities – along with a tour of the Rime Center. Upon completion of the classes, students are inducted as new members of the Rime Center sangha and are given a mala personally blessed by H.H. Dalai Lama.

Instructor: Sergio Moreno (Ngakpa Tenpa Dhargye)
Dates: Four sessions on Wednesdays, beginning on June 7, 2017
Times: 6:00 – 6:30 pm
Class Fee: No fees
Prerequisite: None

Lay Pratimoksha Vows – Sunday June 4, 2017 at 11:30 AM CDT
The pratimoksha vows or vows of ‘individual liberation’ mainly emphasize disciplining one’s physical behavior and not harming others. Pratimoksha discipline is called the foundation of Buddhism because for ordinary people physical discipline is the beginning of spiritual training and the basis of spiritual progress. The lay vows consist of taking the five lay vows which are: 1)not to kill, 2) not to steal, 3) not to lie, 4) not to commit sexual misconduct, and 5) not to take any intoxicants. The format will consist of a teaching session by Lama Matthew Rice and ending with the refuge ceremony given by Geshe Thinley. No fees but dana to the teacher is suggested. After the service we will have a potluck, so please bring dish to share.
Preceptor: Geshe Lharampa Tsewang Thinley and Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha)
Dates: One session on Sunday June 4, 2017
Prerequisite: Tier 1 Classes and Refuge Vows
Bodhisattva Vows – Sunday August 27, 2017 at 11:30 AM CDT
The bodhisattva precepts are taken on the basis of having taken refuge in the Three Jewels and some or all of the five lay precepts. Buddha prescribed the precepts in order to protect us from doing actions that bring unhappy results and to help us attain awakening quickly and easily. Therefore, precepts are not burdens to bear but are ornaments to be worn joyfully. The format will consist of a teaching session by Lama Matthew Rice and ending with the refuge ceremony given by Geshe Thinley. No fees but dana to the teacher is suggested. After the service we will have a potluck, so please bring dish to share.
Preceptor: Geshe Lharampa Tsewang Thinley and Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha)
Dates: One session on Sunday August 27, 2017
Prerequisite: Bodhisattva Challenge, Tier 1 Classes and Refuge Vows