by Daniel Scharpenburg
As the Gift Shop Committee we made it our goal to become a real force in helping sustain the Rime Center. We set about painting the walls a beautiful color and re-arranging things so that the gift shop was a little more inviting. It is now a very beautiful space with lovely blue walls. Some of us spent a Saturday there or the re-opening party and a lot of people came in. The results since then have been very good and I think those of us that are on the gift shop staff can really feel good about the work we’re doing to help maintain the Rime Center. A lot of people contributed time and supplies to this project.
I want to take this opportunity to highlight our new singing bowls. They are hand-carved from Nepal with a pretty wide range of sizes and prices and they’re all quite beautiful. Every time the gift shop is open people come in and ring them, the sounds of singing bowls pervade the Rime Center now. Stop in and have a look.