Motivation and Self Reflection

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Excerpt from a teaching given by Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche on December 3rd, 2016.  Translator is Paloma Lopez Landry.

Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche has taught for many years at monasteries in Tibet and India, and is the abbot of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet, where he established a retreat center, library, and shedra (higher philosophical studies institute).

Khentrul Rinpoche has established his own non-profit organization, Katog Choling, to support dharma activity in the West. He has also created a serene retreat center in Arkansas called Katog Choling Rit’hröd. He travels constantly around the United States and other countries, visiting dharma practice groups. He teaches tirelessly and shares his knowledge in order to support his many students in their pursuit of dharma. 

Check out this episode!