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Puja by the Drepung Gomang monks with the Dharma talk given by Geshe Lharampa Younte Sherpa October 8th, 2017. To go directly to the talk forward to 37 min and 12 sec.
The Puja’s primary purpose is to overcome negativity that may be obstacles in obtaining release from suffering and to promote spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Traveling from the Drepung Gomang Monastery in Southern India, these monks tour the world, focusing on sacred arts, which form the foundation for the individual expression of faith, devotion, compassion, and wisdom.
The tour’s objectives:
A) To make a contribution to world healing and peace by sharing unique Tibetan Buddhist teachings, sacred religious performances, chanting, and Tibet’s unique identity treasures of culture and authentic traditions.
B) Recognizing well, and very deeply, that there have been great tragedies in every part of the world, we want to share our sympathy and prayers together with you as human beings sharing this planet and sharing the future of this home of ours.
C) To generate a greater awareness of the endangered Tibetan civilization and human rights abuses by the Communist Chinese since 1959. As the situation in Tibet is becoming more desperate by the day, due to massive displacement of Tibetans by Chinese citizens sent there by the Communist government, and ever new rules and difficulties, especially at the monasteries, we need your help now.
D) To raise support for the refugee monks’ community in south India for proper food, improvement in health & hygiene and for providing better education facilities for the almost 2000 monk students. We preserve our tradition and culture.
The Drepung Gomang Monastery, originally founded 600 years ago, is one of the great three Gelukpa Universities in Tibet. The Gomang Monastery in South India was built as a result of the Tibetan diaspora following His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s self-exile in 1959. While Gomang had more than 5000 monks in Tibet, a mere 62 made it to South India in 1969, where they started to rebuild their Drepung Gomang Monastery.