The Rime Center has resumed our in person gatherings for our Sunday Service beginning March 20th. Thanks to the generosity of St Mark Hope and Peace Lutheran Church, they have offered to host the Rime Center for our Sunday Services until we can get our meditation hall built. We will also begin offering in-person Kum Nye yoga at 9 am at St Mark’s.
The Rime Center will continue hosting our Sunday Service and classes online using Zoom.
You can find the details for joining the Zoom meetings and the PDF’s of our chants and services from this link, Rime Online Programs Zoom Information and Links.
As the state of this public health emergency changes from day to day, we will remain focused on keeping our Sangha members safe, healthy, and informed. As such we will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our plans as needed. See our plans below.
Weekly Evening Practices at the Wayne Ave Location
The Rime Buddhist Center will host our evening practices at the Wayne Ave location. View our Hours of Operation for the schedule.
Hours of Operation
The Rime Center provides weekly services and Dharma teachings on Sunday morning, and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. We ask that those who are sick or have been around people ill with COVID for the last 10 days to stay home for now and continue to join us though Zoom.
By registering you also are agreeing to hold the Rime Center harmless if you do contract COVID-19 and believe that it was contracted from attending a Rime event.
Evening Programs and Classes
The evening programs will remain online until late April or early May. Our classes will continue with our online format until the meditation hall is built.