Rime Center Commemorates Saka Dawa Day

All Day Practice – Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Saka Dawa is the holiest holiday on the Buddhist calendar. It recognizes the Buddha’s: birth, enlightenment and death. We will start the day at 5:30 a.m. by giving the “Eight Mahayana Precepts” to those would like to receive them. These five precepts (plus three more) are taken for only 24 hours. By taking these eight precepts and keeping them for 24 hours it is considered have merit beyond measure.

We will commemorate the day with Pujas for Shakyamuni Buddha along with periods of open meditation sessions. During the open meditation sessions, people can come and meditate for however long they want during the session. The day will end with a Green Tara Tsok (please bring a food offering). People can come and go throughout the day or spend the entire day in practice at the Rime Center. Matt Rice will lead the pujas and meditation sessions.


6am – Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with meditation
7am – Open Meditation
8am – Open Meditation
9am – Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with meditation
10am – Open Meditation
11am – Open Meditation
12pm – Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with meditation
1pm – Open Meditation
2pm – Open Meditation
3pm – Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with meditation
4pm – Open meditation
5pm – Open Meditation
6pm – Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with meditation
7pm – Green Tara Tsok