Amitabha Empowerment and Phowa Transmission with Ven. Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche

Date(s) - 10/28/2022 - 10/30/2022
7:30 pm - 12:00 pm

St. Marks Hope and Peace Lutheran Church


We are delighted to welcome back Venerable Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche, October 28-30th. Rinpoche will give the Amitabha empowerment and give teachings on the practice of phowa. The Phowa practice, or Transference of Consciousness at the Time of Death, is a simple, powerful means of ejecting the consciousness from the crown aperture into Dewachen, the Buddha-field of Amitabha, bypassing the bardos and avoiding rebirth in the six realms of cyclic existence.

Phowa practice is very popular in Tibetan Buddhism. Different Phowa practices are related to different deities. This particular practice comes from Sakya Pandita and focuses on Buddha Amitabha. This practice is very easy and can be practiced every night or when you take a nap. If you do so, then when you die, there is no doubt that you will be reborn in Dewachen, the Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha. In Tibet it is traditional for people to take this teaching numerous times in their life. There will be a question and answer session after the teaching.

Register For the Event

Ven. Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche’s teachings will be in-person at St. Marks Hope and Peace Lutheran Church. This event is open to everyone, but please consider being a sponsor for this retreat. Your sponsorship will ensure everyone can attend these wonderful teachings.

Event Sponsorship

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About Ven. Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche

Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche is a Dzogchen master and the reincarnation of Dzogchen Gyalt-sab Thodo Rinpoche. He received Tibetan Buddhism teachings and traditional Tibetan medicine from forty-five masters representing all five schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche is a highly trained Lama with an authentic and powerful lineage. He gives teachings and empowerments extensively across North America as well as internationally. He is the author of Tibetan Zen, and his autobiography, A Modern Liberation Odyssey, both are available now.

Friday,October 28
7:30 – 9:00 pm Amitabha Empowerment
Saturday, October 29
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 pm Phowa Transmission and Teachings
2:00 – 4:00 pm Phowa Transmission and Teachings
Sunday, October 30
10:30am – 12:00 pm Sunday Service Public Talk