Black Hayagriva Puja To Clear Away Obstacles for the Tibetan New Year

Date(s) - 03/02/2022
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm



Join us online Wednesday March 2, 2022 at 7pm as Lama Matthew Palden Gocha leads us in a special Black Hayagriva puja to clear away obstacles for the Tibetan New Year. Hayagriva is the wrathful of Avalokiteshvara who symbolizes enlightened speech of the Lotus (Padma) Family of Buddha Amitabha.

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Performing a sadhana practice is extremely beneficial and helps us overcome mental, physical, and spiritual obstacles. Through a sadhana we are replacing the old patterns and thoughts that we have with new ones. The practitioner is encouraged to see all beings and environments, to hear all sounds, and to experience all thoughts as divine and pure. It is through these practices that we work to attain spiritual realization.

About Black Hayagriva, by Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche:

“The emanation of all Buddha’s speech arises as Avalokiteshvara, the form of compassion. In order to tame the wildest beings, Avalokiteshvara manifests as extremely wrathful Hayagriva. In this time of degeneration the inner elements of beings are imbalanced with very strong clinging and passions. Externally, this causes war and the use of biological and chemical weapons. Many new diseases with no known cure appear and epidemics spread quickly. Even friends, husbands, wives, and children seem intent on cheating and manipulating each other, so that no one knows who to rely on. This naturally leads to imbalances in the outer elements. The water element causes floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes; the fire element causes volcanoes, drought, and heat waves; wind causes tornadoes and windstorms; and the earth element causes earthquakes and landslides. Likewise, all the different classes of spirits become upset. The whole world, whether it is the inner elements of sentient beings or the outer elements, is extremely turbulent and out of control. At times such as this it is difficult for Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and wrathful deities to penetrate beings’ minds. That is when this form of Hayagriva appears.”