Saga Dawa Düchen

Date(s) - 05/23/2024
5:30 am

Rime Buddhist Center - Sangha House


Saga Dawa Duchen is one of the most important sacred Buddhist days. The full moon day of fourth Tibetan month is commemorates Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (passing away). All the merits of virtues actions done on this day are multiplies on hundred million times.

The Rime Center will be open during the day for you to come in and meditate at your own pace and time limit. Lama Matt will be offering the 24 hour Mahayana vows to those who wish to make special effort for the day. The vows will be given in-person at 5:30am. A special puja to commemorate Saga Dawa Duchen beginning at 6:00 pm. The puja will be in-person and online using Zoom. If you want to attend online click on the button to register in advance.

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5:30 am – 24 Hour Mahayana Vows – In-person only
6:00 am – Open House for Meditation In-person throughout the day
6:00 pm – Special Shakyamuni Buddha Puja – In-person and online