Sutra Study Sunday – An Analysis of the Path

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In the An Analysis of the Path Sutta, the Buddha Śākyamuni explains and defines the Eightfold Noble Path.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: An Analysis of the Path Sutta: Magga-Vibhaṅga Sutta

Philosophical Views of Emptiness in Buddhism Part 1

Welcome to our event exploring the deep philosophical views of emptiness in Buddhism!

Join us at the Rime Buddhist Center for an enlightening discussion on this fascinating topic. Dive into Buddhist thought and gain a deeper understanding of the concept of emptiness. This class will explore Buddhist philosophical schools of early buddhism including the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika. Join us for a thought-provoking experience that will enrich your understanding of emptiness. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the profound wisdom of Buddhist philosophy!

Register Online

Facilitator: Lama Matthew Palden Gocha
Date: 3 sessions beginning on June 26, 2024
Time: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Text: Making Sense of Mind Only: Why Yogacara Buddhism Matters by William S. Waldron – Get it on Amazon or at the Rime Center gift shop.

Free Meditation Workshop

Meditation has been proven to: lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and help you cope with anxiety. It has also been shown to be very effective with chronic pain, insomnia, and panic disorder. The wonderful thing about meditation is that it can be used anywhere, even on the way to work and has no dangerous side effects. In this one session class you will learn this simple technique that can change your life.

In this workshop you will be introduced to the practice of meditation. Designed to teach you the methods and techniques to help you establish this simple practice. You will learn how to connect to a deeper presence within yourself.

Register Today

Instructor: Sergio Moreno and Lama Matthew Palden Gocha
Date: One Session beginning June 20th, 2024
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
In-Person Only
Class Fee: Free

Basics of Buddhism

Have you always wanted to understand Buddhism? Buddhism is a 2,500 year old tradition that teaches us how to end pain and suffering in ourselves and others. This 8 week course will cover the life of the Buddha, basic Buddhist teachings, as well as practical application of these principles in daily life. This event will be in-person with an online option available.

Register Online

Date: 8 sessions beginning on Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Time: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $50

Note: In-person class size limited to 12 people.

The main book that will be used for the challenge will be Buddhism for Beginners by Ven. Thubten Chodron. This book takes the most commonly asked questions—beginning with “What is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings?”—and provides simple answers in plain English. Thubten Chodron’s responses to the questions that always seem to arise among people approaching Buddhism make this an exceptionally complete and accessible introduction—as well as a manual for living a more peaceful, mindful, and satisfying Life.

Wednesday Online Discussions beginning June 26th
Participants will meet either in-person or online Wednesdays at 7:45 pm to discuss the week’s topic. There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion about the practice that will include actions that can be applied to daily life/practice.

Sutra Study Sunday – The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa: The Fourfold Accomplishment

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In the Accomplishment of the Sets of Four Qualities: The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa, Venerable Śāriputra requests the Buddha Śākyamuni to explain the conduct of bodhisattvas.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Bodhisattva­prātimokṣa­catuṣkanirhāra – The Accomplishment of the Sets of Four Qualities: The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa

Circle Experience – Bringing SAD onto the Path: Rescheduled

A story sharing experience where all are equal and have uninterrupted opportunities to speak from the heart, while others listen from the heart, as the talking piece moves around the circle. The theme will be about bringing SAD onto the path.

This event will be in-person at the Rime Buddhist Center.


Facilitator: Andrea Duloc & Julie Farr
Class Fee: Open to the public
Text: None required

Sutra Study Sunday – The Gold Sūtra

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In The Gold Sūtra, the Buddha explains that the mind of awakening is like gold because it is pure. He also teaches the analogy that just as a smith shapes gold into various forms, yet the nature of the gold itself does not change, so too the mind of awakening manifests in various unique ways, yet the nature of the mind of awakening itself does not change.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: The Gold Sūtra

Sutra Study Sunday – All the Defilements Sutta

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In The All the Defilements Sutta, the Buddha lists seven approaches for eliminating the āsavas: deep-seated defilements that “flow out” of the mind and prevent liberation.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Sabbāsavasutta – All the Defilement Sutta

Sutra Study Sunday – Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Sutta

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. Said to be the Buddha’s very first sermon, or discourse, after this awakening. According to other suttas in the Pali Canon, the Buddha had doubts about whether to even try teaching what he had realized, figuring no one would be able to comprehend or master it. However, the god Brahma assured him there would be at least a few people “with little dust in their eyes,” and begged the Buddha to teach.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Sutta

Sutra Study Sunday – Declaring What Is Supreme

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In The Sūtra “Declaring What Is Supreme”, the Buddha, while spending the rainy season at the Bamboo Grove in Rājagṛha, teaches his saṅgha of śrāvakas that the Buddha is supreme among all beings, the Dharma of being free of attachment is supreme among all dharmas, and the Saṅgha is supreme among all communities and groups.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: The Sūtra “Declaring What Is Supreme”