Doshas and Dharma: An Āyurvedic Guide to Unlocking your Higher Calling

Understanding your Ayurvedic doshas is a profoundly powerful tool for understanding who and what you are here to do on this planet.  From tuning in to your natural energy levels to tapping into your natural skills and abilities, this foundational knowledge is a MUST for those interested in living happy, healthy, and spiritually fulfilled lives.

Why is it so important? Because it gives you a highly personalized strategy for optimizing your health and fulfilling the 4 aims of human life- dharma, artha, kama, and moksha (divine contribution, accumulation of wealth, love, and spiritual liberation)

What is a dosha?

Dosha translates to “fault”, and describes ways in which your physical, mental, and emotional health can be impacted based on your lifestyle, the climate you live in, the foods you eat, and unresolved issues from a lifetime of living outside of bringing balance to yourself. The term dosha comes from Sanskrit and is translated to that which can be vitiated. Ayurveda, the medical and philosophical science of India, recognizes 3 doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas are made up of the 5 elements, but differ from using the elements alone in that each dosha has a unique energy that results from their combination of the elements.

Participants will learn

  • the 3 doshas of Ayurveda
  • how to identify their own dosha
  • fundamentals of balancing for health
  • how this ties into dharma

And as a bonus- everyone will get a free copy of Amaya’s E-book, 5 Day Dosha Challenge!

Donations to the Rime Buddhist Center are welcome!

About Amaya

Amaya is a NAMA certified Ayurvedic practitioner, Founder & CEO of Siddha Labs, Life coach, and student of Vedic astrology in the lineage of Sanjay Rath She specializes in helping conscious professionals unlock what’s been blocking them from happiness using Vedic tools of healing including Ayurvedic medicine, Astrology, and Tantra. She believes that every human being has a unique dharma they must fulfill in order to achieve satisfaction in earthly life, and helps her clients achieve this by connecting to deep dharmic desires, and creating strategic plans using Vedic Sciences to help them achieve their goal and higher calling.  To connect with her and learn more about working with her 1-on-1, please find her on IG @amayashiva or message her through

Sutra Study Sunday – The City Beggar Woman

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. This sūtra tells of a beggar woman’s modest lamp offering at a park in Śrāvastī, contrasted with King Prasenajit’s lavish lamp offerings. Despite her tiny amount of oil, her lamp burns brightly and cannot be extinguished, symbolizing her sincere desire for enlightenment. The Buddha smiles and prophesies her future rebirths and awakening as a buddha.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Nagarāvalambikā: The City Beggar Woman

Introduction to the Path of the Mahayana

Come join us at the Rime Buddhist Center for an enlightening event where we will delve into the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. Using Nāgārjuna’s classic text Letter to a Friend, this class will provide you with a foundational understanding of the Mahayana path, its principles, and practices. Whether you are new to Buddhism or seeking to deepen your knowledge, this class is open to all who are curious and eager to learn. Join us for an insightful journey into the profound teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. We look forward to seeing you there!

This class will be in-person with an online option.

Register Online

Facilitator: Lama Matthew Palden Gocha & Acharya Yeshi Sergio
Date: 6 sessions beginning on November 6, 2024
Time: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Text: Nāgārjuna’s Letter to a Friend – Get it on Amazon or at the Rime Center gift shop.

These classes are available to EVERYONE. We have “Suggested Fees,” however pay whatever you can afford for the class. Everyone is welcome! It is our hope that some will pay more to cover those who can’t afford the usual fee. We simply want everyone to have access to these wonderful classes.
Use coupon R1M3CL@55 if you are unable to afford to class fee.

The Four Immeasurables

Join us for a transformative experience as we explore the teachings of loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. This class will provide you with the opportunity to deepen your understanding of these Four Immeasurables and cultivate a more compassionate heart. Don’t miss out on this chance to connect with like-minded individuals and nurture your spiritual growth. This will be both an in-person and online event. We look forward to seeing you there!

This class will be in-person with an online option.

Register Online

Facilitator: Daniel Scharpenburg
Date: 4 sessions beginning on October 2, 2024
Time: 7:45 – 9:00 pm
Class Fee: $30
Text: Boundless Heart: The Buddha’s Path of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity by Christina Feldman – Get it on Amazon or at the Rime Center gift shop.

Embodying Tara

Tara, the Goddess of Compassion, can manifest within all of us in her twenty-one different forms. In this class, we’ll learn how to integrate Tara’s energy into our daily life through book readings, discussion, guided meditation, and mantra recitation, with a focus on four of the 21 Taras. We’ll also draw inspiration from women and movements like Machig Labdron, Malala Yousafzai, Jane Goodall, and Black Lives Matter to connect with Tara’s teachings with modern challenges. This class is open to anyone seeking to cultivate compassion, overcome fears, and live with greater wisdom and courage. This event will be in-person and online.

Register Online

Date: Wednesdays 7:45 – 9 PM Beginning Sept 4th
Facilitators: Acharaya Yeshi Sergio / Gabi Otto
Book: Embodying Tara: Twenty-One Manifestations to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom by Chandra Easton

Sutra Study Sunday – The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa: The Fourfold Accomplishment Part 2

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In the Accomplishment of the Sets of Four Qualities: The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa, Venerable Śāriputra requests the Buddha Śākyamuni to explain the conduct of bodhisattvas.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Bodhisattva­prātimokṣa­catuṣkanirhāra – The Accomplishment of the Sets of Four Qualities: The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa

Rescheduled: Preparing for the Refuge Vows

This class is for anyone who is contemplating on taking the refuge vows. Taking the refuge vows is generally considered to be the doorway to the learning and incorporating the Buddhist tenets into one’s life. The aim of this class is to provide the student with the understanding the what, why and how before making the commitment to take the refuge vows. Refuge Vows will be given on September 22nd after the Autumn Equinox Spirit Offering and Smoke Puja.

This class will be in-person only. If you are interested in taking the Refuge vows, please fill out this form and click submit.

Sutra Study Sunday – Discourse on the Not-self Characteristic

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. The Discourse on the Not-self Characteristic was the first of the Buddha’s discourses during which his listeners became arahants.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta

Sutra Study Sunday – Gayāśīrṣa Hill – Continued

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. Gayāśīrṣa Hill is a pithy Buddhist scripture that describes various aspects of the Mahāyāna Buddhist path.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: Gayāśīrṣa

Sutra Study Sunday – An Analysis of the Path

Join us as we explore the rich repository of Buddhist Sutras, both Pali Canon and Tibetan Kangyur every first Sunday of the month after the Sunday Service. Sūtra (Pali. sutta) means ‘something that was heard from someone else’ and usually connotes ‘a discourse’. In the An Analysis of the Path Sutta, the Buddha Śākyamuni explains and defines the Eightfold Noble Path.

Facilitators: Lama Matthew Rice (Lobpön Palden Gocha) and Daniel Scharpenburg
Text: An Analysis of the Path Sutta: Magga-Vibhaṅga Sutta