Upcoming Class: Free Meditation Workshop

June 14, 2023 at 7pm

Want to learn to meditate, but just don’t know how to get started? Join us online for this free in-person meditation workshop. The wonderful thing about meditation is that it can be used anywhere, and has been proven to lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and help you cope with anxiety. In this one session workshop you will learn this simple technique that can change your life. Read more…

End of the Year Meditation Workshop

December 28 @ 7:00 pm

OM for the Holidays? Start the new year out with mindfulness. In this workshop you will be introduced to the practice of meditation. Designed to teach you the methods and techniques to help you establish this simple practice. You will learn how to connect to a deeper presence within yourself. This event is free and will be at Plaza Library Large Meeting Room, 4801 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64112. Read more…

108 Day Bodhisattva Challenge Has Begun!

If you are still interested in joining the Bodhisattva Challenge, please contact us.

This challenge will be practice intensive for those who want to apply their understanding of Bodhicitta with daily practice. We welcome new students who are looking to learn about the Bodhisattva Mind Training and how to apply it to their Buddhist path, as well as experienced students who have insights to share.

This event will be in-person with an online option available. Read more…