Doshas and Dharma: An Āyurvedic Guide to Unlocking your Higher Calling

Understanding your Ayurvedic doshas is a profoundly powerful tool for understanding who and what you are here to do on this planet.  From tuning in to your natural energy levels to tapping into your natural skills and abilities, this foundational knowledge is a MUST for those interested in living happy, healthy, and spiritually fulfilled lives.

Why is it so important? Because it gives you a highly personalized strategy for optimizing your health and fulfilling the 4 aims of human life- dharma, artha, kama, and moksha (divine contribution, accumulation of wealth, love, and spiritual liberation)

What is a dosha?

Dosha translates to “fault”, and describes ways in which your physical, mental, and emotional health can be impacted based on your lifestyle, the climate you live in, the foods you eat, and unresolved issues from a lifetime of living outside of bringing balance to yourself. The term dosha comes from Sanskrit and is translated to that which can be vitiated. Ayurveda, the medical and philosophical science of India, recognizes 3 doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas are made up of the 5 elements, but differ from using the elements alone in that each dosha has a unique energy that results from their combination of the elements.

Participants will learn

  • the 3 doshas of Ayurveda
  • how to identify their own dosha
  • fundamentals of balancing for health
  • how this ties into dharma

And as a bonus- everyone will get a free copy of Amaya’s E-book, 5 Day Dosha Challenge!

Donations to the Rime Buddhist Center are welcome!

About Amaya

Amaya is a NAMA certified Ayurvedic practitioner, Founder & CEO of Siddha Labs, Life coach, and student of Vedic astrology in the lineage of Sanjay Rath She specializes in helping conscious professionals unlock what’s been blocking them from happiness using Vedic tools of healing including Ayurvedic medicine, Astrology, and Tantra. She believes that every human being has a unique dharma they must fulfill in order to achieve satisfaction in earthly life, and helps her clients achieve this by connecting to deep dharmic desires, and creating strategic plans using Vedic Sciences to help them achieve their goal and higher calling.  To connect with her and learn more about working with her 1-on-1, please find her on IG @amayashiva or message her through