April 13-24, 2022
Join Lama Matt and other Rime Sangha members as we participate in this year’s SevenDays events. Following the April 13, 2014 tragedy at the Jewish Community Campus and Village Shalom in Overland Park, Kansas, a group of caring individuals decided that we, as a community, have the power to outshine and overcome such senseless acts of hate. SevenDays is a challenge for young and old, to embrace diversity across races, religions and cultures.
SevenDays provides opportunities to encourage all people to increase kindness through knowledge, mindset, and behaviors. They accomplish this with their SevenDays® themed experiences held in April 2022. Each day, a new theme will help us to practice kindness with the hope to promote understanding so we can Make a Ripple to Change the World. Join Lama Matt and other Rime sangha members for this year’s SevenDays® 2022: Kindness Walk. Walk site map. Learn about this year’s Give SevenDays Kindness Walk. Continue reading →